Our teachers are trained and as qualified professionals they are dedicated to helping your child receive quality education and implementing Hmoob curriculum. We understand that you are placing your support and trust with us when you enroll your child in our program and we strive to exceed your expectations when it comes to quality care and the educational experience for your child.
Childs Age

Willow One
(age 12-24 months)
We're excited to embark on our journey of learning and discovery together. Each child is unique, but we've compiled a list of age-appropriate milestones to help guide your child's development. Some skills may come naturally, while others may take more time – it's all part of the process! Our gross motor skills are progressing rapidly – we're walking like pros, crawling up stairs with ease, and pushing toys around. We're also learning self-help skills, like using a spoon and drinking from a cup independently. We've mastered the art of dressing ourselves and can even put on our pants without any help. Our brains are growing too! We're big fans of picture books, recognize our reflections in the mirror, and can follow simple instructions. We're starting to learn about colors and shapes and can even make animal sounds. Let's keep the learning going!
Tuition Pricing:
Full Time (5 days per week): $1,200
Part Time (3 days per week): $800

What Parents Say
Take a Tour
Please come and see our space, staff, and center. You can contact us at 907-375-1914 or email hccofak@gmail.com to schedule a tour. We are open Monday-Friday 7am-6pm all year round. We look forward to hosting you!